
Lodi High School serves approximately 480 students grades 9-12.  Lodi’s ACT scores are consistently above the state average and the high school has received an “Exceeds Expectations” on the State Report Card since its implementation.  Lodi High School offers a variety of course offerings including the only high school SMARTlab in the upper Midwest, a Fab Lab, along with numerous Advanced Placement classes.  Lodi High School has been recognized statewide and nationally for increasing student access to rigorous coursework and excellent AP exam results. Students can also take advantage of a variety of academic support programs, including flexible schedules, extended learning classes and more.    
Lodi High School staff encourages our students to play as hard as they work.  We offer a host of teams, clubs, and other activities that broaden interests and brighten horizons, including successful boys and girls athletics, multiple instrumental bands, choirs, a yearly musical and play, Mock Trial, Forensics, FFA, and an international studies program to name a few.  We have active sister school exchanges with Thailand, Germany, and Spain.  In addition, Lodi High School is the only school in the state of Wisconsin that has a class taught through distance education by a teacher in a different country, as a teacher in Thailand teachers our Cultural Geography of Southeast Asia class.    

The staff of Lodi High School work each day to Create Opportunities for Success...Every Student...Every Classroom...Every Day!