Mental Health Resources
Suicide Resources
Despondency, depression, and suicidal depression can, and does, occur for students in our high school. Suicide is preventable. If someone tells you they are thinking about suicide, you should take their distress seriously, listen nonjudgmentally, and help them get to a professional for evaluation and treatment.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - By calling or texting 988 you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.
Prevent Suicide Wisconsin - On this site you will find suicide prevention materials and training opportunities.HOPES (Helping Others Prevent and Educate about Suicide) - HOPES is based out of Madison, WI. They conduct trainings throughout Wisconsin and work with other suicide prevention and mental health organizations in the state. Call (608) 274-9686. There are also groups for Survivors of Suicide (SOS) at Journey Mental Health Center – JMHC, 625 W. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703, 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month 7-9 p.m. Call (608) 280-2700.
Patient Education: Depression in children and adolescents (beyond the basics) - An article about depression from Dr. Liza Bonin. Dr. Bonin presents signs of depression as well as various treatment options.
Anxiety Resources
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress that everyone experiences at times. Anxiety disorders, however, interfere with a person's quality of life. Research shows that untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse. With help, adolescents can learn to manage their anxiety and lead a normal life.
Anxiety and Depression Association of American - This site helps audiences differentiate between everyday anxiety and an anxiety disorder. It also explains each anxiety disorder and tips for managing anxiety.
Health Information by UW Health - Information is available about anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and panic attacks. Health Tools Action Sets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition such as anxiety. The Action Set for anxiety is: Stop Negative Thoughts.
Recognizing Anxiety in Kids - An article by Marcia Slattery, MD, UW Health child and adolescent psychiatrist, about common behaviors and patterns parents can look for when concerned about anxiety.
Grief Resources
It is natural, normal, and necessary to feel grief after a loss. People grieve in many ways. The resources provided help the bereaved as they search for meaning and strive to create a new normal in their lives.
The Wisconsin Grief Education Center (WGEC) - They have a strong belief that much of what people experience in grief is normal, natural, and necessary, and therefore people benefit from an education about the grief process and support while adjusting to change.The Wisconsin Grief Education Center offers crisis intervention, grief education and support for those facing sudden or anticipated loss.
Agrace Hospice Grief Support - Agrace HospiceCare offers grief services to anyone in the community experiencing loss due to death, even if your loved one was not a Agrace HospiceCare patient. This site includes links to other resources as well as local support groups.
Other Mental Health Resources
Psychotherapy Center of Waunakee (PCOW) - PCOW therapists can meet with students at Lodi High School. Contact one of the high school counselors for more information.
Dane County Resource Guide - Links to Dane County Resources as well as information about navigating the Mental Health System.
Journey Mental Health Center, Inc. (JMHC) - JMHC is a nonprofit agency located in Madison, WI providing comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services to residents of Southern Wisconsin. Call (608) 280-2700. 24/7 professional mobile crisis intervention services are also available when needed.
Child Mind Institute - The Child Mind Institute is an independent nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children, families, and communities affected by mental illness and learning disabilities.
Aspen Counseling Service - Parents should call Aspen if they are interested in this service at (608) 742-5020 to set up an initial appointment/intake meeting.
Catholic Charities Family Programs - Catholic Charities of Madison offers support groups for kids (K-12) struggling with mental illness. The coordinator is Corey Lewis. They also offer mental health counseling services for individuals and families who are in need of outpatient psychotherapy. Call (608) 256-2358.
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services - Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone. If you’re worried that you or a loved one might be involved in an abusive relationship, you can talk with a trained advocate 24 hours a day by calling (608) 251-4445.
Briarpatch: Youth Services of Southern WI - Briarpatch offers services and programs for teens and young adults including homeless and court-involved youth (temporary shelter available). Support groups are offered for LGBTQ youth and their friends as well as teenage girls ages 12-18 (topics include relationship problems, sexual concerns, school concerns, alcohol and other drugs questions/concerns, self-image, and mental health concerns). For counseling, information or referral call (608) 251-1126.
Rape Crisis Center - The Rape Crisis Center (RCC) provides services to the survivors (and their family and friends) of all forms of sexual violence, including recent sexual assault, past sexual assault, incest (past or present), sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation. 24 hour crisis line is (608) 251-RAPE. Support group information is available online. Call (608) 251-5126.